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Astrotheology-The Sun- a universal deity

by Virg the Astrologer

The Sun- A Universal Deity

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As far back as 10,000 years humans have created carvings that depicted their love, worship and adoration of the Sun. It's pretty obvious to see why as every morning the Sun would rise saving them from the cold of night and providing life and vitality to the land, plants, and animals alike. Without the Sun the ancients knew that the crops would not grow and life itself would not be able to survive. Therefore the Sun was, is and always will be the most adored object of this reality.

The zodiacal cross is one of the oldest conceptual images in human history. It reflects the Sun's Journey through the 12 constellations over a year's time. It also reflects the 12 months of the year, the 2 solstices and the two equinoxes. The term Zodiac relates to the constellations being anthropomorphized as figures given characteristics that corresponded to the times of year in which the Sun traveled through that space along the ecliptic. The Sun was personified as the unseen creator as it gave life to all that was. The light of the world. The risen savior.

Horus was the Sun god of Egypt at around 3,000 B.C. He was the anthropomorphised version of our risen savior The Sun. Horus meaning the Sun or the light had an enemy, his brother Set who was darkness anthropomorphised. Every morning Horus would win the battle against Set while in the evening Set would best his brother bringing night and sending Horus into the underworld.

Let's take a look at attributes shared between Horus, Jesus and the other ancient SOLAR deities.

Horus Egypt 3,000 BC

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Horus was born on December 25th of the virgin Isis.
Birth was foretold by a star in the East.
Upon his birth he was adored by 3 kings.
He was a teacher at 12
Baptized at 30
Performed miracles
Walks on water
Known as the truth and the light
The good shepherd, and the lamb of god (Sun in Aries)
Betrayed and Crucified
Dead for 3 days then resurrected

Mithra of Persia 1200 BC

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Born if a virgin on December 25th
Had 12 disciples
Performed miracles
Dead for 3 days and then resurrected
The truth, the light etc
Worshiped on SUNday
Depicted with rays around head


Attis of Greece 1200 BC

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Born of a virgin on December 25th
Dead For 3 days
Depicted with rays around head

Krishna of India 900 BC

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Born of a virgin
Birth foretold by a star in the east
Performed miracles with his disciples
Resurrected upon his death
Depicted with the sun as a crown

Dionysus of Greece 500 BC

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Born of a virgin on December 25th
Put in a manger with beasts
Performed Miracles as a traveling teacher
Turned water into wine
King of Kings
Gods only begotten son
The alpha and the Omega
Died and resurrected on the 3rd day

Now let's compare these common attributes from ancient solar deities to the STAR of Christ

Jesus Christ

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Born of a Virgin on December 25th
His birth was foretold by a star in the East
Located and praised by 3 kings
Teacher by 12
Baptized at 30
Had 12 disciples
Performed miracles like turning water into win
Walked on Water
Betrayed, crucified and risen on the 3rd day
Called king of kings
The Alpha and the Omega
The Lamb of God


Okay so here's the tea…. Why do all of these characters that predate Jesus from different cultures and languages have the same narratives? What were the REALLY getting at? Well all of these attributes are merely ASTROLOGICAL observations encoded in allegory.

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The Star in the East is Sirius which on December 24th aligns with the 3 brightest stars on the Belt of Orion known in ancient times as THE 3 KINGS. The 4 stars then line up in a line to point to the place in which the Sun will rise on the 25th up out of the constellation Virgo. Sound familiar? The Virgin Mary is a symbol for the constellation Virgo. In Latin Virgo means Virgin. Virgo during those times was often referred to as the house of bread being as it was symbolize by a Virgin holding wheat to symbolize the harvest which took place during Virgo season. The name BETHLEHEM literally translates to House of Bread, a clear nod to the constellation yet again. All of this referring to places in the sky and not of this Earth. In the Egyptian calendar the year began with the constellation Virgo thus depicting the Sun being born of the virgin.

On December 22nd the Sun ends its 6 month journey south. All of this time decreasing in light each day. From our perspective, the Sun appears to travel neither North or South for three days. It appears to remain suspended on the south axis of the zodiacal CROSS without gaining or increasing in time of light until December 25th when it begins to travel higher into the sky for the next six months bringing with it the promise of summer and new life. Why then is the resurrection not celebrated on the 3rd day, December 25th when the Sun begins its ascent? Well isn't it more appropriate to celebrate the resurrection of OUR SUN on the spring Equinox(Easter)? The day when the light begins to win the battle against the darkness and we once again have longer days than nights bringing the promise of warmth, rejuvenation and fertile crops.

So the 12 apostles. This is just symbolic of the Sun's journey through the 12 signs. The number 12 is a common occurrence in the bible. 12 Tribes of Israel, 12 sons of Jacob, 12 Judges, 12 Disciples, 12 kings and princes etc.

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Procession of the Equinoxes
Now let us examine the mentions of AGES in the bible as they relate to the ages of the zodiac
“I am with you always to the very end of the age” Matthew 28:20
“Either in this age or the age to come” Matthew 12:32
“The harvest is the end of the age” Matthew 13: 39
“Sign of your year coming and the end of the age” Matthew 24:12
“In this age or the age to come” Luke 18:30
“Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become "fools" so that you may become wise.” Corinthians 3:18
“These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come.” Corinthians 10:11
”Far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.” Ephesians 1:21-23
“And the powers of the coming ages" Hebrews 15
“He has appeared once and for all at the end of ages” Hebrews 9
“King of the Ages” Revelation 15

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The Egyptians and much earlier civilizations were scientists and kept record of their astronomical observations within their mythos. They knew that every 2100 years on the morning of the spring equinox the Sun would rise in a different sign of the zodiac. This is due to a slight angular wobble that the Earth maintains while rotating on its axis. It's called a precision because the constellations actually go clockwise as opposed to the normal counter clockwise motion. It takes 25,765 years for the procession to go through all 12 signs and this is called THE GREAT YEAR, as referenced in the bible. This term is even used by NASA today to describe the same astronomical truth.

Ancient societies such as Egypt and Greece referred to each 2,150 year cycle as an AGE. The old covenant ushered in by Moses was the age of the Ram, Aries 2,150 BC- 1 AD. This is why you will find so many scriptures in the old testament demonizing Baal the bull calf god and those who still worshiped the bull. Moses even shattered the tablets of the 10 commandments because the Israelite's were worshiping the Bull and told them to kill each other in order to purify themselves. Moses represented the Ram of Aries as his age was riddled with war and conquest in the name of YHWH. Today Jews who still cling to the doctrine of that age blow a Rams horn at their ceremonies symbolizing the age and symbol of their founding father Moses. Other pre-christian gods shared this same symbology such as Mithra who was often depicted slaying a bull.

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Jesus ushered in the age of Pisces which I like to call the Age of Belief and Deception 1 AD- 2150 AD. This was the age of religion and false doctrine. After all Pisces is ruled by Neptune which rules such things as dreams, illusions, deception, spirituality and faith. Blind faith in things disconnected from reality. The constellation Pisces has been anthropomorphised into the symbol of the two fish. We often see this symbology on the backs of the cars of his followers and within churches and religious circles. Little do they know it is a Pagan astrological symbol that represents the Suns kingdom during the astrological age of Pisces. Jesus even feeds five-thousand people with only 5 loaves of bread and TWO FISH. -Matt 14:17 When Jesus began his ministry he befriended two fisherman who join in his ministry.

Around the year 2150 we will OFFICIALLY enter into the new age of Aquarius.
“Behold when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you BEARING A PITCHER OF WATER… Follow him into the HOUSE where he entereth in.”-Jesus...Luke 22:10
This scripture is perhaps one of the most revealing in the entire bible as to what is truly being expressed. Keep in mind the bible has been tampered with to support the doctrines of the catholic church to perpetuate their agenda keeping them rich and in power and their subjects asleep and in a mental prison of forced polarity. But they were not able to hide the truth entirely and this scripture really tells us who Jesus is and what he represents.
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The man with the pitcher of water is the anthropomorphized constellation of Aquarius whose age follows that of Pisces and the two fish. Jesus is literally telling us that his kingdom is Pisces and afterwards (2150 AD) will come the age of Aquarius.
End Times or Nah?
“I will be with you even to the end of the world.” Matthew 28:20

However in the King James version of the bible as well as many other popular texts the word world was falsely substituted for the word Aeons. Again during the crusades it was the catholic church that confiscated all holy texts so that they could conveniently recreate them in ways that suited their sick and twisted agenda; many of them pedophiles today as a manifestation of the evils within their disgusting organization. But I digress… Aeon simply means AGE!!! So it should read “I will be with you even until the end of the age.” This is less end of the world and more astronomical observation. However fire and brimstone was convenient as a way to scare people into worship, subjection and donations.