Myself and other spiritual workers alike can attest to this fact; all most people care about is love and money. And I can't really blame them. We live in a capitalist society where it literally costs money to die and be put in the ground. We really need to work on changing that by the way… but let me silence my Mercury in Aquarius/ Gemini Moon brain and get back to the point. Love. We all want it. I hear WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE talking about twin flame this twin flame that. The concept of twin flames is something we've only recently rediscovered and like all spiritual truths these days has been gentrified and bastardized by millennials and the internet. Sure some souls are split and separated during the soul recycling process. Some aspects of a being may chose to take their doorway after death and go into the light while other fragments of their souls remain bound to the Earth. Many fail to realize that this is not a desirable process and is nothing like the rainbows and butterflies BS that Instagram gurus and charlatans would have you believe. Some people are sleeper cells and may come in a new-agey yoga chick box but have the energetic function of one meant to suppress actual spiritual development. As with all things including my own work, do your research and use discernment. Real recognize real.