The asteroid Chiron was discovered in 1977. Known as the wounded healer, it was named after Chiron the Centaur from the greek mythos. Chiron was the most scholarly of the centaurs of his time and was known for his teachings and healing practices. He was seen as a guru and teacher for the young men at that time. According to legend, Chiron damaged one of his legs beyond repair. He dedicated his life to finding a cure for that which there was none. By practicing countless healing techniques in his never-ending search; his obsession lead him to learn many new forms of healing and become a beacon of light for those around him. While he was not able to heal his leg with his efforts, he was able to heal the masses with the remedies he learned on the way.
Astrologically we have only had a short amount of time to identify and study Chiron’s influence. On the surface Chiron is a giant mass of ice. When we use our psychic math to translate these physical properties into what they are energetically what do we get? Well water that is solidified and hardened can be a wound that we all carry. One that is so deep that it can be felt on a very tangible and physical level. Take Chiron for example. Rather than allowing the pain of his injury to debilitate him emotionally, he instead took all of those feelings of inadequacy and turned them into something very real and physical. An undying search for a cure. In creating and living with this coping mechanism Chiron healed others around him by harvesting his hardened emotion.
Moreover it is important to observe this concept of solidified emotion when it pertains to Chiron. That is because Chiron's orbit is in between that of Saturn and Uranus. Saturn being the last of the personal planets in astrology and Uranus being the first of the more dormant and subconscious energies. This is why chiron in many ways represents the way in which we link the spiritual and physical. It is often our deepest pain that shows us how to connect with the higher realms and that is precisely what Chiron is about in the birth chart. Connecting with that divine energy and using it to heal others. Alchemizing that pain into something healing.
Chiron’s placement in your birth chart can illuminate your biggest wound. By identifying this wound internally as well as astrologically we can all become the healers we were meant to be. For no two people can heal the same because we all have different experiences that we channel from. Learning how to transmute that darkness into something beautiful is a challenge we must all much tackle. If you would like to learn about your healing capacities message me today for a reading!
Love and Light,